
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Can't-Wait Wednesday: Dreams of Falling

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases!

Dreams of Falling
Karen White
Expected publication date: June 5, 2018
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Night the Lights Went Out comes an exquisite new novel about best friends, family ties and the love that can both strengthen and break those bonds.

New York Times bestselling author Karen White crafts evocative relationships in this new contemporary women's fiction novel about best friends who share a devastating secret, set in the Lowcountry of South Carolina.

It's been nine years since Larkin fled Georgetown, South Carolina, vowing never to go back. But when she finds out that her mother has disappeared, she knows she has no choice but to return to the place that she both loves and dreads--and to the family and friends who never stopped wishing for her to come home. Ivy, Larkin's mother, is discovered in the burned out wreckage of her family's ancestral rice plantation, badly injured and unconscious. No one knows why Ivy was there, but as Larkin digs for answers, she uncovers secrets kept for nearly 50 years. Secrets that lead back to the past, to the friendship between three girls on the brink of womanhood who swore that they would be friends forever, but who found that vow tested in heartbreaking ways. - from Goodreads


  1. Angela I always love a book with a "secret" I really like Liane Moriarty books and this one sounds like her books.

    Angelica @ Paperback Princess

    1. I like books with secrets, too! It does kind of sound like a Liane Moriarty book!

  2. Sounds great! Already put it on hold at my library!

  3. I have an ARC of this. I am looking forward to it as I enjoyed her last book so much.

    1. Awesome, looking forward to your thoughts!

  4. I also have this arc and am excited to start. I loved the last book I read by her. Hope you get to read it soon!

  5. My interest is piqued! I love the way this one sounds and I am curious to know how it all works out. Thanks so much for sharing this one. :)

  6. Looks pretty good and a neat cover too!

  7. This sounds really good and I hope you get the chance to read it soon.

  8. This sounds so tragic! I hope you enjoy it when you get it!

  9. I'll get around to reading her books eventually, they look good!

  10. I'll get around to reading her books eventually, they look good!

  11. This reminds me that I still need to read The Night the Lights Went Out. I'm always up for a book that focuses on friendships so this one sounds like it could be a good fit for me. I also like that it's set in the lowcountry of South Carolina. I haven't read much of anything set in that area.

    1. I had some issues with her previous novel, but I want to try her out again. I love stories set in the south!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!