
Monday, March 19, 2018

Spring Bucket List

Tomorrow is the first day of spring and with it will hopefully come nicer weather!  Here are some things I want to do in the next couple months:

  • Clean up the overgrown, weed-riddled areas of our yard and possibly prepare a spot for a garden
  • Buy flowers for our planters
  • Break out our new cornhole boards and brush up on our skills
  • Host our first big get-together at the house
  • Take more walks around the neighborhood
  • Explore at least 1 new local hiking spot
  • Work on my travel wall
  • Find some new lighter/healthier recipes
  • Clean out our closets

What are you looking forward to this spring?


  1. Since Spring is some time away for me, I'm hoping just to get through winter and maybe take a holiday somewhere warm if I can. One thing I do need to do is a declutter of my shelves. been avoiding that for a bit now.

    1. Ooh, a vacation would be so nice right about now!

  2. I wish Spring weather was coming soon along with the first day of Spring!! I need to some serious Spring cleaning and need to get back to eating healthy. I would love to get more walking in at the local parks with the kids. Good luck with your bucket list!

    1. Thanks, Grace! Yes, just getting outside more is something I'm looking forward to.

  3. Sounds like your are definitely on the way to 'spring cleaning/tidying'. I saw some wildflowers the last couple of days and am very happy to see the Texas bluebonnets appearing. Love spring here!

    1. Lucky you! We still have snow on the ground with more forecasted for tomorrow!

  4. Good luck! I want to eat healthier and hike more this spring, too.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I definitely need to start eating better, winter is the worst for me!

  5. Lots of outdoorsy stuff! And the get-together sounds like fun. Good luck accomplishing all these!

    1. Yeah, the weather was awful this winter, so I'm looking forward to getting outside more!

  6. April 2nd there's a sort of farm market in the town my mom lives in where they'll have horses, cows, donkeys, pony etc. so I'm looking forward to that. It's always fun!

  7. These are all really awesome goals. I am giving you tons of gold stars for all the healthy things in there, because I need to do more of all that. Winter always makes me lazy. I hope you get to check them all off your list.

    1. Thanks, Sam! Winter is so bad for me - I always seem to gain weight!

  8. That's a great list! Once it warms up, I'm definitely looking forward to taking more walks around the neighborhood and around our downtown area, which is pretty quaint but has been undergoing a lot of upgrades and renovations so I want to see what's new. I'm also hoping to cook outdoors more and spend more time reading out on our deck too. Can't you tell I'm so over being cooped up in the house all winter? LOL!

    1. Haha, me too! We enjoy walking around downtown areas, too - our town doesn't really have one, but the next town over does, which is nice.

  9. I like finding new walking/ hiking spots! It's nice to have a new area to explore. :) And yes- bring on spring! I am ready!!!

    1. Me too - too bad we're supposed to get more SNOW tomorrow!!

  10. Oh, great goals!! I'm hoping to take more walks around the neighborhood when the weather starts warming up as well!

    Erica | Erica Robyn Reads

    1. I just need to get out more - and at least it's not dark when I get home from work anymore!

  11. We're cracking on to Autumn here and I'm honestly looking forward to some cooler weather! In Indonesia at the moment visiting family and oh my goodness! It's so hot and humid I can't wait to be able to feel cold again 😂

    Hope you have a wonderful Spring and get to do everything on your list!

    1. I hope you have a great trip! Hopefully we will be getting some warmer weather soon, although hot and humid I could do without!

  12. I LOVE taking walks. It's my favourite way to relax and clear my mind. I hope you'll get to do all the things on your list! (I'm a new follower btw, through the google friends thingy). Have a nice week!

    Ronnie @ Paradise Found

    1. Hi, Ronnie! Thank you for the follow! We love taking walks, too, we had a couple really nice places very close to where we live!


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