
Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Can't-Wait Wednesday: On A Cold Dark Sea

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases!

On a Cold Dark Sea
Elizabeth Blackwell
Expected publication date: April 10, 2018

On April 15, 1912, three women climbed into Lifeboat 21 and watched in horror as the Titanic sank into the icy depths. They were strangers then…

Con artist Charlotte Digby lied her way through London and onto the Titanic. The disaster could be her chance at a new life—if she hides the truth about her past. Esme Harper, a wealthy American, mourns the end of a passionate affair and fears that everything beautiful is slipping from her grasp. And Anna Halversson, a Swedish farm girl in search of a fresh start in America, is tormented by the screams that ring out from the water. Is one of them calling her name?

Twenty years later, a sudden death brings the three women back together, forcing them to face the impossible choices they made, the inconceivable loss, and the secrets they have kept for far too long. - from Goodreads
I'm fascinated by the Titanic, so I'm excited to read this new story!


  1. Titanic is my favorite movie of all time. This sounds like it will be a good read for sure!

  2. Okay, for some reason I think I want to pick this up - even if it's not my usual genre.

  3. This one does look good. I'm pretty fascinated by any book set on an ocean liner, but, of course, the Titanic is the ultimate.

    1. Yes, there's just something about being stuck in the middle of the ocean with no place to go!

  4. Ooo this one sounds so good! I like the Titanic connection.

  5. This sounds good and I like that is has the Titanic in it. Love the cover. Good pick!

    Mary my Can't Wait Wednesday

  6. Oh my god yes, someone needs to give this book to me right now. :D

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I've always been fascinated by the Titanic as well so this sounds like a book I would enjoy. Great pick! Adding it to my TBR now :)

  9. Titanic is so fascinating and at the same time so terrifying, thinking about it. This one has a very nice cover, I hope it's good!

  10. Historical fiction that ties in to actual events are always of interest to me. Hope you end up enjoying this one!

    1. Me, too, especially when it involves the Titanic! Thanks, Alicia!

  11. The premise sounds interesting. These women are tied together by a shared tragedy and another sad event brings them back together, plus the Titanic. Sounds great!

    1. Yeah, I can't wait to see how everything ties together!

  12. ahh, historical fiction! You had me at 1912 and Titanic! Awesome pick! I'm adding this to my goodreads!

  13. I've never read a story with the Titanic in it - I think that would be interesting!!

    1. I'm interested to see how it's incorporated!

  14. I haven't heard of this until now! I don't read too much historical fiction, but this sounds really interesting! Thanks for sharing. I'm adding this to goodreads now. :)

  15. I hope you enjoy this one if you decide to read it!

  16. Ooh! I'm definitely interested in this one!

  17. What a unusual and interesting take on the Titanic! I hope it's a good read!


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