
Monday, January 29, 2018

4 Strategies For Making More Time To Read

For many people, one of the reasons they give for why they don't read is that they don't have time.  I can understand this - we're all busy, between families, work, and other obligations.  Free time is often at a premium.  So, for anyone looking for even just a few extra minutes to squeeze in some chapters, today I've come up with four ways that can help you gain some extra reading time!

Meal prep
I bring my lunch to work every day, and many weeks I will make a big batch of *something* on Sundays, portion it all out, and I'm done for the week!  Those 10-15 minutes each morning or night I would spend putting my lunch together or trying to find something to eat have now been freed up for other things.  My husband will also often do this for our dinners, so we spend less time in the kitchen on weeknights.

Just 10 minutes
Instead of diving right in and trying to carve out hours per day to read, start small - wake up a few minutes earlier or stay up a few minutes later to read a few pages.  Start your nighttime routine at 10:50pm instead of 11pm, then use that extra time to get comfy and get reading.  Waking up at 7am instead of 7:10am isn't a huge commitment, and you can use that quiet time to read a chapter or two before starting all the other things you need to do.  Or, just set a timer during your evening and devote just that 10 minutes to reading.  Everyone has 10 minutes, right?

Create a tech-free reading zone
Whether this is your bedroom or just a random chair in your house, designate one area as technology-free (except for e-readers!).  Most of us spend a ton of time checking social media, reading emails, or bingeing something on Netflix - spending some of that time reading instead would be great!  Having an area where you can go to just read, without any other distractions, may make you more likely to devote the time to it. 

Sometimes it's not about creating more free time or giving something up, but using our time more wisely.  I'm still a fan of paper books, but the days of lugging around large hardcover books are a thing of the past.  With audiobooks and ebooks, we can basically read anywhere and everywhere.  When my work commute got longer, I started listening to audiobooks in the car - that's literally an extra HOUR per day I can spend reading.  You can listen to books while you're exercising or cleaning the house.  Your phone or e-reader can ensure you never lack a book to read while you're sitting in a doctor's waiting room.  If you always have a book with you, you'll never have an excuse to not read!

What are some of your tips for making more time to read?  How do you make reading a priority?


  1. Tech Free is something I need to try more. I get distracted. I try to just get in some reading on my phone/kindle whenever I can and that helps. There are all good tips!

    1. Thanks! Yes, phones and Kindles have made it so much easier to be able to read wherever!

  2. Yes, tech-free is definitely a necessity. So easy to get distracted by the phone. I'm glad you have gotten into audiobooks! I can't listen to just anything since my use of them is so sporadic, but there are certain genres that lend themselves well for me to audiobooks.

    1. I'm still trying to figure out what audiobooks will work for me. So far I've tried memoirs and rereads, and those have been good!

  3. Love this! I really need to try tech-free more, I get too distracted from my phone. <3

    Charlotte |

  4. I lock myself in my bedroom at 8pm and read until I fall asleep. There are no phones or TVs in there, so my only choices are read or sleep. I can usually read for 2 or 3 hours before I’m tired.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  5. Your number three is SO important! I often find myself taking up my nightly reading time by browsing Facebook and Twitter and I literally sit there like "why am I doing this?" I've tried to implement a no technology time once I'm in my room at night. Great post!

    1. Oh, I know, me too! I need to move my computer to a different room so I'm not so distracted by it all the time.

  6. SUCH a relevant post!! For me, I think switching off the phone and techy stuff is a big one - once I do that, it's amazing how much more reading I get done. And I feel like I can properly relax then, too.

    Terrific post:)

    1. Thanks, Amy! I know, I actually shut the TV off last night for 45 minutes and got so much reading done!

  7. I wish I was good at listening to audiobooks but if I listen to it when I'm doing stuff like cleaning or anything I can't keep my attention to it. My mind easily drifts off. And when I'm listening to one when I'm sitting or lying in bed then I get sleepy. It's no use for me. But I do try to read whenever I can. By example when I'm watching something on tv, instead of watching the commercials I read during that time since commercials can be long these days. Little things like that help me. :D

    1. Yeah, audiobooks can be hit or miss! I was worried I wouldn't be able to pay a lot of attention to them, so I've just been doing rereads and memoirs with no real plot.

      I definitely read during commercials when I'm watching TV with my husband, too!

  8. These are fantastic ideas! With reading, every extra minute counts. I always wake up about 20 minutes earlier than I need (assuming it's a regular day) and use that time to read with a glass of water--I've found it's the best way I could possibly wake up. Multi-tasking and tech-free zones are the best ideas. Tech gets in the way so much, it's crazy how much more I can read when I close everything up. Great post!

    1. Thanks, Jordan! That sounds like such a great way to start the day!

  9. I love the idea of a tech free reading zone. I get so distracted by my phone and by the TV.

    1. I know, now I just need to implement it - I find myself logging onto my computer way too often for really no reason, just because it's so close by.

  10. The tech free thing is a must for me. I need a lot of unwind time, so I shun all "screens" one hour before bedtime. That is when I do my evening reading, and it helps me get in my sleepy, quiet mood.

    1. Ah, that sounds so nice! Getting away from screens and all the harsh lighting would be so relaxing.

  11. I thought this was gonna be one of those funny posts about giving up sleep or something lol, but this is actually helpful! I was always an opportune reader, reading whenever I had a few minutes sitting and waiting, never going anywhere w/o a book, that kind of thing. And yes, some tech free time is a good idea! I find that I get more reading done in my bed at night, even though I'm reading on my phone, because the quiet and dark helps me get absorbed in the book and I don't even think about checking social media.

    1. Haha, well, I'm glad it was helpful! I do get a lot of reading done at night, after my husband goes to bed. It's easier to have the TV off and have quiet time.

  12. Great tips! I have a similar post scheduled for tomorrow. :)

  13. This is such a great post, I love all of your tips :) I think it's great to have a tech-free zone, when you're just not thinkin about checking your phone every two seconds and can actually read for a while. I really should do that :)

    1. Thanks, Marie! I know, I need to spend less time on my computer doing mindless thing!

  14. These are all such great ideas! I need to work on a tech-free reading zone myself as I can really lose track of time aimlessly browsing social media... I personally discovered I had way more time to read since discovering ebooks. I have the Kindle app on my tablet and phone and my phone is especially handy to read during those moments where I'm waiting for someone or something and it's handy cause I always have my phone with me anyway :)

    1. Thank you! I still don't do ebooks, but they are definitely a great way to get more reading time in. You always have a book without having to carry a physical one around!

  15. I'm also trying to save time with food prep. I've been packing my lunch at night and I'm using the extra time in the morning to relax and read while I eat breakfast. It's a nice way to start the day :)

    1. Yes, I hate running around in the morning, trying to get a lot of stuff done. I'd rather be relaxed!


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