
Monday, November 20, 2017

Quotables #6

I hope you all enjoy the quotes I've picked out for this edition of Quotables!

Why it speaks to me:  I love weddings and everything about them.  I love when couples do all the traditional things or when they do things outside the box.  In my family, weddings are one of the few times a year when everyone can get together, so they are always really special times.  I love looking back at our wedding day and remembering all those little moments - seeing Tom for the first time, my parents walking me down the aisle, cutting the cake.  They all added up together to make a beautiful day.

Why it speaks to me:  I love this quote because in my family, food is really important.  Before any holiday or gathering, we all want to know what the hosts are making (and they will gladly tell you because they've had the menu planned for a month).  There are recipes that have been passed down from my grandparents that will hopefully continue to be passed down.  Some of my best memories are of sitting around the dining room table, laughing and talking.

Why it speaks to me:  This quote is just so relevant for today's social media-obsessed culture.  I'm guilty of it - when I see other people's awesome vacations or big houses or nice clothes, I get a bit jealous.  But I have to remember - I'm seeing what they want me to see.  You never know what's going on behind closed doors.  We can't compare ourselves to others all the time - we have to be able to recognize the good things in our own life.

Which of these quotes is your favorite?  Can you relate to any of them?


  1. I love that last comment. My cousin is an obsessive Facebooker of all good things, and she and her husband brought their girls to Disney recently. Before she left I said 'Remember, it's more important that the girls have a good time at Disney than all of your Facebook friends THINK your having a good time!' We really do get caught up in social media, and it is so disruptive to our daily lives.

    Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. You're, not your! Darn. I wish I could edit. LOL

    2. Ah, it's so true! It's not that I want to hear about everyone's problems on Facebook, either. It's nice to see happy, fun things! I just don't want it to be fake!

  2. I love the My Not So Perfect Life quote. It is so true!

  3. Great quotes! I think that last one's my favourite, even though it's probably the hardest to believe. Of course it's true, but it's so easy to think the opposite.

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

    1. Yeah, it's so true, but having to remind ourselves of that all the time is the hard part!

  4. Hello after a long time Angela! Life got too busy :( sorry about not stopping by for a while! Love the quotes!! I love the food one! I connect with food at a spiritual level :P Great post lovely!


    1. No worries, Uma! Glad you're back! Thank you! I love the food one, too, food is a HUGE part of my life!

  5. Such wonderful quotes! I especially love the one from Once and For All. I feel like it manages to truly describe a wedding as a whole as well as capture the magic and specialness weddings bring.

    1. Totally! I love how it encapsulates not only the specific day and the various things that happen on it, but the overall feel and the special meaning that weddings have.

  6. Love these quotes! They all ring so true, and for me especially the last one is a reminder I can also sometimes use :)

    1. Yes, I can definitely use that last one, too!

  7. What amazing quotes! I love them all! The wedding one is so true, and as you say it's so relevant when you look back on your own wedding.

    The food one too - I confess I'm a bit of a foodie and I love the way food can bring us together and yet all. Out tastes are so unique.

    And then the last one - definitely super relevant to today's social media filled society. It's so easy to see that picture and nothing else where a picture might not be even close to the reality.

    Awesome picks!

    1. Thanks, Di! I really loved all of these quotes - they're so different, but I think all relatable!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!