
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: Books On My Fall TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.  This week's topic is books on our fall TBR.  Here are some books I'm hoping to get to in the next couple months:

Have you read any of these?  Which one should I start with?


  1. Emma in the Night is one I definitely would like to get to at some point. I had such mixed feeling on The Light We Lost but it was a hard book to put down! Great list!

    1. I've heard such good things about Emma in the Night!

  2. One Dark Throne is on my list as well! I can't wait to find out what happens next. Emma in the Night is another book I've been dying to read I actually had it on loan from the library, but it was due back before I could get to it :( One of these days! Great list!

    1. I know a lot of people are looking forward to One Dark Throne, even if they had mixed feelings about the first book (myself included!).

  3. Great list! I've seen One Dark Throne on so many lists this week - I'll have to cross Three Dark Crowns off my TBR soon!

  4. The Wanderers was definitely a literary take on science fiction. I enjoyed it. Emma in the Night and The Cottingly Secret on my TBR too. I tried to read Three Dark Crowns and got bored in the middle unfortunately. I hope you enjoy it though. Great list!

    1. Three Dark Crowns is kind of hit-or-miss, I think. Literary science fiction - sounds interesting for The Wanderers!

  5. I haven't read any of these, sadly enough. But I'd love to read the Katherine of Aragon book!

  6. I really want to read three dark crowns and then one dark throne :) Awesome picks! There are so many fall releases I am excited about and so many series I want to continue/start!

    Happy Reading!

    Michelle @ Book Briefs
    My Fall TBR picks

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Interesting list! I've been going to read The Finishing School, well, ... forever!

    Lisa @

    1. My library finally got a copy, so hopefully I can read it soon!

  9. I'm interested in reading the Three Dark Crowns books. The covers always jump out at me. The cover for The Light We Lost is really pretty, too!

  10. It's too bad you can't start all at once. They all sound so good! How will you decide where to start?! I've been hearing great things about Emma in the Night. And I really want to read the Hazel Gaynor book you've listed. Thank you for sharing!

    1. I think availability at my library is going to be the deciding factor in what I read first! I may have to put myself on some waiting lists!

  11. I think all of those are new to me, or at least, I've not come across them often. Several look really intriguing! Here's hoping you get to read them all this fall!

  12. I was really pleased with One Dark Throne. Blake is doing all sorts of great things in that series, and now I have grabby hands for the next book.

    1. Awesome! For some reason, I thought this was a duology,and then I recently found out it's going to be 4 books - makes me a little leery, but still looking forward to it!

  13. Great list of books! I really enjoyed Emma in the Night when I read it, and The Light We Lost is one I really want to read. I also still need to start Three Dark Crowns since I've heard such great things about that series.

    1. I think pretty much everyone has loved Emma in the Night - makes me more excited for it!

  14. One Dark Throne was fun, and I liked Emma in the Night a lot too. Hope these are all good. :)

  15. Wow, so many great books on this list! I'm personally dying to read One Dark Throne, The Finishing School, Katherine of Aragon, and The Cottingley Secret! I've heard great things about Emma in the Night, also. I really hope you get to read and enjoy all of these. :)

  16. Oh my, One Dark Throne reminds me I really need to get to Three Dark Crowns soon! Maybe I could binge-read :) Hope you'll enjoy all of these!

  17. A binge-read would probably be great for those two books!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!