
Monday, September 25, 2017

Quotables #5: All About Reading

I've been gathering up some quotes lately and so many of them seem to have to do with readers and reading specifically, so that's the theme for this installment of Quotables!

Why it speaks to me: I love going to the library and seeing all those books, just waiting for me to read them!  It makes me happy!

Why it speaks to me: I love that Kate Morton uses the word "journey" in this line.  So many of us readers use our books as an escape - we can travel anywhere in the world or in time, just being swept up in the stories.  I love when a book can really transport you to some place different.

Why it speaks to me: I love how this quote really focuses on readers and how we interpret books.  We all notice different things in a book, or a particular line will strike a particular reader differently, maybe based on their mood or experiences.  But that's the beauty of reading and how a book comes alive for each of us!

Which of these is your favorite?


  1. These are so beautiful, thank you for sharing, Angela. My favourite is the last one <3 Like you say, it's focusing on the different interpretations every reader draws from the book they're reading. It's gorgeously put.

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

    1. Thanks, Amy! Yes, I love that quote - it's quite simply-put, but still so powerful.

  2. All of amazing quotes! My favorite is probably the second one. So gorgeous! <3

    1. Ah, I know! Kate Morton has such a way with words. I just feel so immersed in her books.

  3. That quote from Swimming Lessons is one of my favorite lines from the whole book. Great pick! I always enjoy this blog feature. :)

    1. I'm so glad you noticed that quote, too!

      Thank you, Suzanne!

  4. Love The Time Traveler's Wife quote. That's how I feel about new catalogues!

  5. I haven't read any of these books yet, but I totally relate to finding quotes in books that speak to me! I love the quote that you chose from The Time Traveler's Wife. It is one that I have been meaning to read and it is perfect! ;)

  6. I love that last one because it is so true. But also the first one because it is like Christmas Morning :) Thanks for sharing these!

  7. Great quotes, I especially like the one from Swimming Lessons. So true! We all imagine the same words a different way, in our head, and that's kind of amazing when you think about it- all those different interpretations, coming from one place. Someone else's imagination!

    1. That's so true, what if we're analyzing it way differently than the author intended?

  8. These are all so great, but my favourite is definitely the last one, just because it is soooooooo true! No two people ever read the same book!

    Love these posts!

    1. Thank you, Di! Yes, I love that last one, too.

  9. Such a great theme for quotes :) I love all of these, but especially the first one, because libraries or bookstores do always evoke that magical Christmassy feeling :)

    1. I know, especially libraries - I just walk in and it's like, all these books are here, for me, and they're free!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!