
Thursday, August 3, 2017

The Liebster Award Tag

Thank you to Amy at A Magical World of Words for nominating me for a Liebster Award!

-  Thank the person who nominated you. 
-  Answer the 11 questions they wrote for you. 
-  Nominate 11 people. Give them your set of 11 questions to answer.

Questions from Amy:

1: If you were a colour, what would you be? (What colour best suits your personality?)  Probably blue.  I'm pretty calm most of the time and it's the color of so many of my favorite things - the sky, the ocean, and my husband's eyes (I'm so cheesy).

2: A magical animal you'd love to have as a pet?  A dragon, so I could fly around on it!

3: Guilty pleasure book? Sometimes I read romance novels by Nora Roberts.

4: Would you rather live in Oz or Neverland, and why?  Oh, this is hard.  I love Oz, but the never-aging factor of Neverland is pretty attractive - I wouldn't have to worry about more wrinkles or gray hair!

5: You're only allowed to watch 1 movie your entire life. What movie would you choose?  The original Ghostbusters.  I loved the remake last year, but the original is just so funny and campy!

6: You're stranded on an island with Hermione Granger and Katniss Everdeen. Who do you think is more likely to escape without you and leave you behind - given dire circumstances?  Definitely Katniss.  I think Hermione is more friendly and would try to exhaust all options before leaving someone behind.

7: One book that forever changed your life?  OMG, Amy, these questions are HARD!  I'd have to go with Behind the Attic Wall - it's a book I distinctly remember reading and even rereading as a child.  I loved it so much I named my cat after one of the characters.  I think this book just reinforced my love of reading, so much so that I remember it today.

8: Who's your fictional hero/role model?   Weird choice, but I'd say Ned Stark from Game of Thrones.  Yeah, he's not around for long, but you can tell he's a guy with a lot of integrity, a good parent, and he knows how to keep a secret!

9: Would you rather drown in ice-cream or burn in pizza? (I'm weird, I know).  This is difficult - I like pizza more than ice cream, but burning and drowning both sound like terrible ways to go.  Maybe the cold of the ice cream would knock me out before drowning me?

10: What's one famous book you wish you'd written?  Harry Potter.  Just knowing I had created something so beloved would be awesome - and of course, I'd be SO RICH.

11: What's one book you know you'll never, ever read?  Fifty Shades Darker.  I read the first book out of curiosity, but didn't care for it.  It's just not my type of book.

Since I also received a Liebster Award a few months ago and have tagged some other bloggers recently, I'm going to refrain from doing so now.  Thank you again to Amy!


  1. I love all of these questions! I haven't seen Ghostbusters in so long; it is definitely time for a rewatch. I've never heard of Behind the Attic Wall- who's it by? I will be sure to check it out. Congrats on the Liebster Award! Happy reading!

    1. It's by Sylvia Cassedy - I'm surprised it didn't scare me as a child, it's about dolls that come to life!

  2. Thanks! Yes, Amy had some good questions! The ice cream/pizza one had me thinking way too hard!

  3. Fun questions! That ice cream/pizza one cracked me up. I think I'd pick the ice cream as well. You have me curious about Behind the Attic Wall. I hadn't heard of it before so I'm going to have to check it out.

    1. I actually reread it last year; it's definitely a children's book, but I enjoyed it just as much as I did when I was a kid.

  4. Oh gosh! You've reminded me I need to do this one!

    A dragon would make an amazing pet, right? :)

    I think you're right that Katniss would be the one to abandon you!

    Gosh Amy's questions are tough!!! Must get started on answering this one! Loved your answers :)

    1. Thanks! Looking forward to reading your answers!

  5. Ah I love your answers, Angela! Thanks for taking part :)
    I've never read Nora Roberts, but I think I'd like to.
    And Behind the Attic Wall also sounds good :)

    I like your answer to the choice of pizza death or ice cream death! Good point you made there, haha :)

    1. Thanks for the fun questions, Amy! They really made me think, haha!

  6. Aw, what awesome questions. And wonderful answers!! I love this award so much.

  7. Haha these are some tough (but fun) questions and I do love your answers. Agree about the death by ice cream or pizza one ;) Also, now I want to watch Ghostbusters! (the original and the remake which I haven't seen yet)

    1. Haha, the ice cream/pizza one threw me a bit! Some very unique questions here!


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