
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Waiting on/Can't Wait Wednesday: The Cottingley Secret

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Breaking the Spine and Can't Wait Wednesday is hosted by Wishful Endings.  Both help us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

The Cottingley Secret
Hazel Gaynor
Expected publication date: August 1, 2017
The New York Times bestselling author of The Girl Who Came Home turns the clock back one hundred years to a time when two young girls from Cottingley, Yorkshire, convinced the world that they had done the impossible and photographed fairies in their garden. Now, in her newest novel, international bestseller Hazel Gaynor reimagines their story.

1917… It was inexplicable, impossible, but it had to be true—didn’t it? When two young cousins, Frances Griffiths and Elsie Wright from Cottingley, England, claim to have photographed fairies at the bottom of the garden, their parents are astonished. But when one of the great novelists of the time, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, becomes convinced of the photographs’ authenticity, the girls become a national sensation, their discovery offering hope to those longing for something to believe in amid a world ravaged by war. Frances and Elsie will hide their secret for many decades. But Frances longs for the truth to be told.

One hundred years later… When Olivia Kavanagh finds an old manuscript in her late grandfather’s bookshop she becomes fascinated by the story it tells of two young girls who mystified the world. But it is the discovery of an old photograph that leads her to realize how the fairy girls’ lives intertwine with hers, connecting past to present, and blurring her understanding of what is real and what is imagined. As she begins to understand why a nation once believed in fairies, can Olivia find a way to believe in herself? - from Goodreads
I really enjoyed The Girl Who Came Home, so I'm interested to see what Hazel Gaynor does next!


  1. Oh wow I love the look of this! It sounds so tantalizing and haunted ;) And the cover is gorgeously creepy!
    Great pick :)
    Here's my WoW

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

  2. This one sounds fantastic! Plus I'm loving the cover. It's giving off some serious eerie vibes.

    1. Yes, the cover is a bit eerie, but so pretty!

  3. Oh my, I've heard this in connection with other stories! What an intresting plot for a book!

  4. This one grabs my interest. I like the dual time period.

  5. It definitely catches my attention, I will be adding to TBR right now. Thanks for sharing it.

    Jenea's Book Obsession

  6. Oh I haven't read this author but like the blurb and cover!!

    1. I liked her previous book, which was about The Titanic, so I'm interested to see how she handles another "based on a true story" novel.

  7. Ok, awesome cover. I've seen this one a few places and I am interested in checking it out as well too. Great choice and I hope we both enjoy it.

  8. Oh this sounds lovely! Adding to my TBR now!

  9. Aaaand this is going straight on my wishlist! Thanks for sharing! <3

  10. Okay, I think that sounds like a really interesting story! Thanks for bringing it to my attention!
    Check out my CWW

  11. This sounds like a beautiful story! There is something so intriguing about finding something in a bookshop. I will have to give this one a spot on my TBR. Thanks for sharing it! :)

    1. Yes, like how long has it been there and how come no one found it before? I hope you enjoy it!

  12. Oh wow, I love the sound of this one, especially since it sounds like it may have a dual timeline. Great pick!

    1. Thanks! I love a dual timeline story, too.


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