
Monday, June 26, 2017

Beachy Book Covers

When I was a kid, I loved visiting my grandparents' house at the Jersey shore.  I loved everything about the beach - running along the sand, playing in the water, baking in the sun.  These days I'm more content to sit under an umbrella with a good book and plenty of sunscreen!  To celebrate the beginning of summer, I've put together a collage of covers that all feature the beach!

What are some of your favorite beachy book covers?


  1. This topic makes me want to be in Cape May even more now!

  2. I love all of these!!! One of my favorites is On the Island. Great post!

    1. Thank you! I just looked up that cover, and yeah, that is a great summer cover!

  3. Some of Wendy Wax's books have great beach covers, especially Christmas at the Beach. Great post, btw! You make me long to pile into my car and take a summer road trip to the nearest beach. :)

    1. Thanks! I hope you get to take that road trip soon!

  4. I love summery book covers like this, even if they're not books I'd normally read. Along The Infinite Sea, Silver Girl and A Summer Affair are all nice. I also like Maine and Cocoa Beach. And a few others also but I'll stop or I'll end up listing all of them lol. Fun post!

    1. Hahaha, thanks!! I think my favorite is A Hundred Summers - it's always the book I think of when I think of summer. And it just evokes the time period of the book so well, it looks like an old postcard!

  5. Nice! These make me want to pack my bag and head to the beach right now. I'm with Greg. There's just something about summery covers that always appeal to me even if the books themselves aren't really my taste. Kristin Hannah has a couple of beachy covers that I really love and Elin Hilderbrand's are always favorites of mine. Fun post :)

    1. Thanks! I always think of Elin Hilderbrand when I think of summer covers.

  6. I'm in the middle of winter right now so I'm afraid I'm not really getting into the mood here although I can't deny that these covers make me feel somewhat summery ;) I love the collection that you have come up with but I'm afraid that I myself can't think of a single beach cover right now! I blame the weather here at the moment ;)

    Fun post!

    1. Thanks! Yes, it's kind of funny that we have opposite seasons. Hopefully they bring a little sunshine to your winter!

  7. I love beachy book covers!! Summer Sisters by Judy Blume is always a favorite of mine. And The Moon and More paperback-- oh and Nantucket Blue!

  8. I love every single one of these. I'm a huge beach bum. It's my happy place. lol! We have a little weekend getaway to the beach planned for later this month and I can't wait.

    1. I hope you have so much fun! I was just at the shore yesterday and it was beautiful!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!