
Wednesday, May 3, 2017

"Waiting on" Wednesday: The Best Kind of Magic

"Waiting on" Wednesday is hosted by Breaking the Spine and spotlights upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

The Best Kind of Magic
Crystal Cestari
Expected publication date: May 16, 2017
Amber Sand is not a witch. The Sand family Wicca gene somehow leapfrogged over her. But she did get one highly specific magical talent: she can see true love. As a matchmaker, Amber's pretty far down the sorcery food chain (even birthday party magicians rank higher), but after five seconds of eye contact, she can envision anyone's soul mate.

Amber works at her mother's magic shop--Windy City Magic--in downtown Chicago, and she's confident she's seen every kind of happy ending there is: except for one--her own. (The Fates are tricky jerks that way.) So when Charlie Blitzman, the mayor's son and most-desired boy in school, comes to her for help finding his father's missing girlfriend, she's distressed to find herself falling for him. Because while she can't see her own match, she can see his--and it's not Amber. How can she, an honest peddler of true love, pursue a boy she knows full well isn't her match? - from Goodreads


  1. I love the cover of this book. The "Magic" looks amazing. I hope you get to read this book soon.

    My WoW post.

    1. I know, the cover makes me think of a fun summer night!

  2. I haven't heard of this one surprisingly, but it sounds really good. I hope we both get a chance to read this one :)
    New GFC follower.
    Here is my WOW 

  3. I featured this one some time back and would you believe I just got an ARC today? I'm super thrilled. Hope we both enjoy it!

    1. Ahh, that's so great!! Enjoy reading it!

  4. I LOVE that cover! The premise isn't really me, but I hope you love it when you read it :)
    Here's my WoW

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

  5. Ohhh, I haven't heard of that one before but it sounds quite interesting. I like this cover as well :) Hope you'll enjoy it when you get to it :)

  6. Sounds amazing! Love the cover too! Hope you enjoy reading it!
    Here's My WoW

  7. How did I miss this??? I love magic like this in books. Great pick!

  8. This book sounds so fun! I got a copy at ALA and I can't wait to read it!

    1. That's so great! I can't wait to hear what you think of it!

  9. Oh my, this sounds lovely -- and heartbreaking too! I love the last line of that blurb!


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