
Monday, May 8, 2017

Quotables #3

Hi all!  It's time for another round of Quotables! 

Why it speaks to me: This one just made me laugh, because it's so true!  Is anyone else's husband or partner like this?  Sometimes if I can drop subtle enough hints, I can steer Tom towards what I want AND make him think he's the one who wanted it and thought of it in the first place!

Why it speaks to me: I'm a worrier - about things that have already happened, things that haven't happened yet, things that probably won't ever happen.  Is there such a thing as worrying too much? 

Why it speaks to me: Fall is absolutely my favorite season.  I love the colors, the smells, the weather.  This quote describes me to a T, and even though it's still spring, I'm already looking forward to fall!

Which of these is your favorite?  Can you relate to any of them?


  1. I love fall too!! It is the best season for sure. And I totally connect with the worry quote. I can't help but worry!

    1. It kind of feels like fall outside here lately!

  2. I totally relate to the quote about worrying. Like you, I worry about pretty much everything - things that are in my control, things that I have no control over. You name it, I worry about it.

  3. I'm not a worrier, but my mom and my sister are. I wish they'd adopt the attitude in Pekkanen's quote.

  4. That quote about fall really speaks to me because it's definitely my favorite season <3 Plus, it's just a really gorgeous quote!
    And I'm a big worrier myself, so I can really relate to that one as well ;)

    1. Every time I read that quote about fall, I can just picture it in my mind with all the smells - I love it!

  5. These were just wonderful. I especially loved the last one and how it captured the flavor of Fall. Lovely, thanks for sharing.

  6. I love quote one! It reminds me of something a character in the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" says :) Also I love fall too..except we don't have much of it here in India..We basically just have one long summer followed by the cold season!

    1. Oh, that's too bad! Fall is so great! Where I love, we have a nice fall season, full of all the colors and everything!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!