
Monday, April 3, 2017

My Low-Tech Tools For Staying Organized While Blogging


There are some days I'm still surprised that I started a blog - I'm one of the least tech-y people I know.  So, it shouldn't come as a shock that some of my biggest tools for staying organized while working on this blog are, literally, paper and pen.

Paper Calendar
One of the first things I did when I started the blog was to print out monthly calendars, to help plan out my posts.  Yes, I could do this online, but hand-writing out each post title, crossing things out or moving them if I need, just appeals to me more!  Since I plan things out ahead of time, I really like being able to spread out 2 or 3 months on the table and seeing where different posts will fit in.

I always carry a small notepad with me wherever I go.  It's easy enough to fit in my purse, and it's great for those bursts of inspiration.  If I have an idea for a discussion post or want to make note of a book title, into the notepad it goes.  Seriously, my memory can be the worst sometimes, so I need to write things down as soon as I think of them!  I know there are lots of apps that you can use to keep lists or make notes in, but since I don't have a smartphone, paper is the way to go for me! 

Legal pad
For some reason, we have an abundance of yellow legal pads in our house, so I've commandeered one for my master list of blog ideas.  At the end of each day, I take everything I've jotted down in my notepad and transfer it to the legal pad.  I like knowing that all my potential ideas are in one place; it's just the best way for me to keep track of everything.  I am kind of obsessed with making lists (and crossing things off when I'm done with them), so this isn't really any different from what I would do for anything else in my life (and it makes my slightly OCD heart happy).

Post-It Flags
I use Post-Its while I'm reading to mark important plot points or quotes I want to remember for later.  This helps me when I'm writing my review so I can easily refer back to the book. 

What kinds of tools do you use to stay organized?  How do you keep track of all the ideas you have for your blog?


  1. I have a planner that I use for personal stuff and blog stuff. I agree I like to write stuff out sometimes and cross things off. I do keep a list of ARCs electronically though. I have a notebook too to jot ideas down in.

    1. Having a notepad with me is a real lifesaver - I forget everything!

  2. My blog is also very low-tech. I have a notebook next to the computer. All my ideas and to-do lists go in there.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I like having things in paper because then I can look at them anywhere, I don't need to be at the computer to make lists or anything. I can lounge on the couch!

  3. I usually use a notebook. I have one big books on the cover so I think it fits with a book blog. ^_^

    1. Ah, so cute! I think my love of paper books makes me love all things paper/stationary related. I love cute notebooks.

  4. I'm low tech as well. I keep a calendar at my desk with important dates (like when my ARCs need to be reviewed by, etc.) and then, like you, I carry around a small notebook in my purse because ideas seem to hit me at the most random times and I don't want to forget them. I tried to do the whole bullet journal thing for a few months but I actually found that to be distracting rather than helpful because I was too focused on what the journal looked like rather than what was supposed to go in it.

    1. I feel like my life is too simple for bullet journaling! It seems very complicated and time-consuming. All I need is a calendar and a to-do list!

  5. Glad to hear I'm not alone in my low tech-ness :) I recently tried to start using an Excel calendar, but I still end up using my notepad/calendar for everything anyway!

    1. Yes! I don't know why, but a paper calendar is just so much more visually appealing to me!

  6. I love stationery and calendars but my blog lives in my electronic life only. I have a separate electronic calendar just for my blog and I also keep my list of reviews to write and arcs received online. 🙈

    I'm not all that organised with it all though so maybe I should try some actual physical stuff!

    Great post!

    1. Thank you! It sounds like you're really organized with the online calendar and list of reviews!


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