
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I'd Love to Meet

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  This week's topic is authors I'd love to meet!
  1. Kate Morton: Easily one of my favorite authors.  Her writing is just so magical and her Instagram is full of pretty pictures and hints about her next book!
  2. J.K. Rowling: I just want to bask in her genius!
  3. George R.R. Martin: I need to know when that next book is coming out!
  4. Emily Giffin: She is one of the few authors I will pre-order books from.  She seems so down-to-earth - her Facebook feed always has pictures of her adorable kids and dog!
  5. Diana Gabaldon: I love her Outlander series, but I have a few questions for her.
  6. Lauren Weisberger: For writing some of my favorite smart chick lit!
  7. Louise Penny: To find out how she comes up with all those great mysteries for Inspector Gamache.
  8. Beatriz Williams: Because her books are just so much fun!
  9. Erik Larson:  To find out what his next book is going to be about!
  10. Marissa Meyer: Just to tell her how much I loved The Lunar Chronicles!


  1. Emily Giffin for sure. I love her books so much and I follow her on FB too! Marissa Meyer too. Love the Lunar Chronicles so much. Great list!

  2. I would love to meet JK Rowling!
    My TTT:

  3. J.K. Rowling's on my wishlist as well for sure! And I can't believe I forgot about Marissa Meyer, it'd be great to be able to meet her :)

  4. George was very down to eart and funny too. Gabaldon spoke in the town I was vacationing in a few years ago, but I didn't go. I didn't know her work as well then.

    And JK Rowling would be awesome. :)

  5. I can't believe I forgot to include George R.R. Martin on my list. I bet he would be fascinating to talk to.

  6. I would like to meet Emily Giffin too!! I love her books :) I met Marissa Meyer twice and she is very sweet. I hope you get to meet her!

  7. Great list! I was at a book festival several years ago that Diana Gabaldon was at. I chose to go to another signing that was at the same time (Erin Morgenstern, maybe) and I'm regretted it ever since! I love the Outlander books so much! Why didn't I go?!

    1. Oh, no! I hope you get another chance to meet her!

  8. Erik Larson is one of my all-time favourite authors, it would be fascinating to listen to him talk about his research and writing process.

    1. I know, I wonder how long it takes him to do all the research for each book!


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