
Monday, January 2, 2017

2017 Backlist Reader Challenge Sign-Up

When I came across the Backlist Reader Challenge hosted by Lark at The Bookwyrm's Hoard, I thought it sounded perfect for me.  You can get all the details here, but in essence the challenge helps us finally get to all those older titles on our TBRs.  I've been reading a lot of new releases since I started blogging, but there are some older works I've been wanting to read as well, and this challenge will inspire me to do that!

I went through my TBR and made a list of the books that were published before 2016.  It turned out to be 26 books, which I think is entirely manageable.  I'm sure I will probably add more titles to my TBR as the year goes on, but these are the ones I want to focus since they've been there longer!  It's a good mix of new-to-me authors, series I want to catch up on, and even some classics.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, this sounds a lot like the challenge I'm doing. I hope you enjoy The Book Thief. I thought that was such a moving read.


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