
Monday, December 19, 2016

How I Decide What to Read Next

I could never ignore a huge stack of books, calling to me, so even if I've just started a book, I'm always thinking about what I'll read next.  Here are some of the factors that influence my decision.

  • I have an ARC with a release date coming soon.  This one doesn't happen very often, but I have won a few ARCS from Goodreads Giveaways.  I like to have the book read and a review posted about a week before the release date, so if it's coming up soon, that book goes to the top of the pile!

  • A book I've requested has arrived at my library, and I only have a short time with it.  I use my local library extensively, and I love being able to place holds on books.  Sometimes, the wait list for a popular book is really long and we're only allowed to check the book out for two weeks, with no renewals.  I need to get to these sooner rather than later.  Plus, I like to read and return them quickly so the next person in line isn't waiting too long, either!

  • I have a craving for a particular book/author/genre, etc.  Every once in awhile I'll feel a longing for a reread.  I'll peruse my shelves and decide I need to revisit Harry Potter or that I'm in the mood for a Kate Morton Gothic mystery.  Or sometimes it's a new book I've gotten that I just feel a particular pull towards.  It could be the setting, the synopsis, the genre - something that makes me feel like I need to read this book now.

So, how do you decide what to read next?  Do you have a system, or is it random?  Maybe based on how long it's been sitting on your shelf or TBR, or whatever looks appealing at the moment?


  1. Wait you win Goodreads giveaways?!? I have never won one after years lol. Good for you!! The library one definitely plays a part in mine as well as ARC release dates. Sometimes I just want a quick read so I will look at shorter books on my TBR and go with that. Fun post!

    1. LOL, yeah, every once in awhile! That's a good idea, to look for the shorter books!

  2. Totally random. I just go with my gut and whatever I feel like reading... until I see the deadline s on any ARCs I have -- then yeah, I go by deadlines.

    1. Yeah, I think "totally random" is a popular one. I want to read something I'm excited about, that I feel good about, and that can just depend on how I'm feeling that day!

  3. I try to alternate between ARCs I need to review for upcoming release dates and books that I really want to read for whatever reason. I'm currently reading one right now for a January 3 deadline, but alongside it, I'm also reading Colson Whitehead's The Underground Railroad just because I've been dying to read it for ages.

    1. That's a really great way to balance things!

  4. I'm a major mood reader so most of the time my next pick depends on that. Also, I love binge reading series, so if I started one and I like it and the sequels are out, I'll probably be finishing the series before starting a new one :)

    1. I think mood reading seems to be the most popular! I hardly ever get to binge read a series, but it's definitely preferable to waiting a year (or more) for the next book to come out!

  5. This is such an interesting post! Usually, I use my library a ton, but I've bought a lot of books in the past year, so I really need to catch up with those. I'm also participating in a challenge right now where I read only ebooks that I've already bought (for less than a dollar- it's rather crazy, but super fun), so I'm reading a lot of ARCs from Negalley and Edelweiss to make sure the reviews get published in time. :-)

    1. That's a great way to get to books you already have! Sometimes we need the extra motivation!

  6. ARCs are always at the top of my list. I keep a list of the ones I have and their release dates. I always try to read them a month of two before the release date so I have the review ready to go. I really don't use my library much. =/ I really need to take advantage of it more. Especially since I'm running out of room for books! Anyway, after the review books are taken care of I read whatever I'm in the mood for.

    Thanks for linking up on Saturday Situation!

    1. My library has really changed my reading life. Since I've cut down a lot on buying books, it's been such a great resource.


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