
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

"Waiting on" Wednesday: Shelter of Leaves

"Waiting on" Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and spotlights upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

Shelter of Leaves

Lenore H. Gay

Expected publication: August 9, 2016
On Memorial Day, a series of bomb explosions rips through major cities in the US. Her apartment in ruins, Sabine flees DC and begins a grueling journey on foot that brings her to West Virginia, where she finds safety at an abandoned farmhouse with other refugees. They settle in—growing food, hunting scarce game, and foraging when they can.

For Sabine, family is a vague memory—she can't even remember her last name. Without an identity, she hides; although thirty-five, she pretends to be twenty-eight, even to the refugee she falls in love with. But in time, she begins to recall family—a mother, a father, and a brother—and with her recovered memories comes a longing to find them. Are they alive, surviving, in hiding as she is? Even in harrowing times, Sabine's desires to belong and to be loved pull her away from shelter—and into danger. - from Goodreads


  1. At first, when the summary started with bombs, I wasn't sure this would be my kind of book, but the last part about her finding her family makes it sound interesting. I'll be adding it to my TBR. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wow. This looks so good. I love it when the devastation occurs to an area you're already familiar with. It makes for great imagery when reading. Nice pick. :)


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