
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

"Waiting on" Wednesday: The Life She Wants

"Waiting on" Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and spotlights upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

The Life She Wants

Robyn Carr

Expected publication date: September 27, 2016
In the aftermath of her financier husband's suicide, Emma Shay Compton's dream life is shattered. Richard Compton stole his clients' life savings to fund a lavish life in New York City and, although she was never involved in the business, Emma bears the burden of her husband's crimes. She is left with nothing.

Only one friend stands by her, a friend she's known since high school, who encourages her to come home to Sonoma County. But starting over isn't easy, and Sonoma is full of unhappy memories, too. And people she'd rather not face, especially Riley Kerrigan.

Riley and Emma were like sisters—until Riley betrayed Emma, ending their friendship. Emma left town, planning to never look back. Now, trying to stand on her own two feet, Emma can't escape her husband's reputation and is forced to turn to the last person she thought she'd ever ask for help—her former best friend. It's an uneasy reunion as both women face the mistakes they've made over the years. Only if they find a way to forgive each other—and themselves—can each of them find the life she wants. - from Goodreads


  1. This sounds like it's going to be a great read. May have to give it a shot myself. Thanks for spotlighting it :)

  2. There is something really interesting about these books that take their main characters back to their past, almost literally, by making them move back to their hometown! And I love it when books investigate friendships and relationships! I'll keep my eyes open for this one, it's a great pick. Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great week!
    My WoW
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  3. This sounds like a good one. Enjoy!


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