Monday, December 9, 2024

Henry's Shelves #8


I think it's been a few months since I shared the books that Henry and I have been enjoying together, so today we're back for another edition of Henry's Shelves!  It's always fun for me to see what books he gravitates towards.  I try to give him a big selection, but he seems to want to read the same ones over and over again!

Have you read any of these?

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  1. Henry's shelves always make me think of my time when I volunteered at the library because there were always a bunch of baby and children's books to put away. Always so cute!

  2. I read at least one of these to my daughter when she was little - over 40 years ago! Glad you and Henry enjoy special story time!

    1. Haha, isn't it great how the classics always become hits?

  3. Love that Henry reads some classics. I always like Curious George.

    1. We found that book at a Little Free Library and he has been obsessed with it!

  4. My son was obsessed with Curious George when he was that age!

    1. We have been reading our way through our library's selection!

  5. Ooh, I may have to pick out some of these for my nieces. The Goodnight Train Rolls On looks amazing, as does Penguin and Penelope! I loved the Curious George books as a kid, I have so much nostalgia just seeing that cover!

    1. It's adorable! I am in love with the Penguin books.


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!